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"Choosing Freedom Through The Power of Clearing" By Rob Wills
Freedom to me is now about being relieved of the emotional pain that my negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs and my perceptions of myself, others or events bring to me; to be able truly to let go of them and be at peace no matter what seems to be happening around me or to me.
According to the principles of A Course in Miracles, forgiveness is the means of this ‘letting go’, which will ultimately lead its students to “the peace of God which passeth understanding” “seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world” (T 445) and to look past our perceptual errors to the eternal truth, or our oneness with God, that lies beyond the illusion we believe is us. This is the choice to uproot the ego’s interpretation of the world that the body’s eyes show us and to look upon it with the Holy Spirit so that the seeming separation from God can be healed, “making return to God not only possible but inevitable” (Preface xiii).
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The Documentary "The Difference" about a youth project in Sweden called Fri Sikt based on ACIM is now available on youTube to watch in five parts You can view the preview below and Click here to learn more about how to bring the Youth On Purpose project to your area