I am aware -
that the beginning of a movement sets the tone for the whole movement;
for the entire action.
I honor -
that people are doing the best they can.
I ask -
What can we do for each other?
One must begin in order to move forward. Even God can’t steer a parked car. Yet, I don’t want to become involved in just more activities. I want to become involved in the ones that will be most meaningful to me at this stage in my personal evolution..
I want to be a part of an intentional community of like-minded people generating mutual support and reciprocity; forming alliances and support systems through common shared experiences. I believe our common purpose is truly sharable and that the reason we are coming together to form this Foundation is to provide a living demonstration of the principles of A Course in Miracles, i.e.: To live the material.
I understand that relating to other human beings is a dynamic process. It is my hope that we will learn to focus not on the seeming differences among us, but to find the things we share and to inclusively consider each web string.
I can’t love when I have a plan. I want only to find the flow. My ‘agenda’ is to allow things to organically develop. And, in a process of letting go of control, I am willing to surrender to the collective will while trusting in group process; trusting that whatever decision is made is the right decision! I am finding that my goal is to become one with whoever seems to be on the other side of the collective cause. I hold this vision without a fixed picture, from a place of faith, and base it on the highest thought in the community.
I am learning to use this vessel differently than I have been using it. I wish to be working with and through the Holy Spirit, my inner guide, and the part of us that remembers the voice of God and who we really are.
I know this place.
It is the first place I knew, but didn’t know…
It is a community where we can provide a place to teach and a place to learn.
It is Being in a place where I can allow the healing.
It is being connected to what I am truly here for: to be truly harmless and helpful.
It is a place from which I can extend the course out into the world.
It is an introduction to applied spirituality; an experiential form that will evolve and change over time.
The detours become the path.
Submitted by Carol Bye