We gather together to share and extend God’s blessings of Love, Unity and Joy. We support one another in releasing all blocks to our awareness of Love’s Presence, healing the illusion of separation that binds us to our pain and freeing our Joy through joining in the deepest, truest sense. Through this joining we create a living demonstration of the principles of A Course in Miracles in action.
To this end we form a community of seeming individuals committed wholeheartedly to the healing of themselves and extending the Peace of God throughout the world. We live as a demonstration of the principles of A Course in Miracles and teach first and foremost through our example. We also teach through offerings of classes, workshops and healing sessions.
Our community consists both of a core group living in residence, others living in the area and a much larger group from around the world sharing our purpose. We are loving hosts to guests staying with us for a time of sharing, healing and learning.
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The joined visions of each individual combine to form a learning centre or institute and a healing community supported by The Miracles Foundation.
In this learning centre we are committed to an evolution in conscious spirituality, growing together, in a creative symphony of wholehearted loving and healing, in which each of us is both teacher and student.
Our income streams can take many forms. Some of the ideas that are currently in the field of possibility are:
- A Workshop Facility and Presentation Centre where people come from all over the world to study with great teachers of Metaphysics.
- a center for a Youth Project called Youth on Purpose, which could include an accredited high school. Youth on Purpose is currently a Non-Profit organization for disaffected youth that has been run in many different countries, but lacks a permanent facility.
- a School for Peace, where we educate children and adults to be leaders and teachers of God.
- A learning and teaching Institute where we train and grant degrees to Course in Miracles facilitators, and teach science, art and metaphysics. We would attract world-class, leading-edge thinkers and professors. The Institute could be accredited and a curriculum developed so that it would function as a degree-granting program. There could also be a high school. We currently have as members of the core group two medical doctors, two teachers, a Professor, a Naturopath, two Registered Clinical Counsellors, and three Reverends, all practitioners of ACIM.
- a Retirement Community, where spiritual elders contribute their wisdom to youth of all ages, and, if needed, are cared for by those wanting to be of service. This could be funded by their retirement funds or pension, and elders could earn by their contribution and expertise.
- an organic garden, and kitchen or perhaps a restaurant combined with an inn-keeping facility for guests at the retreat centre. Among our members is a fully trained Chef who is also a teacher of youth.
- A Lodge or Inn for guests on a short term basis. This could be run by the residents and be a training facility for youth. This is a retreat centre or time share spiritual vacation resort for those who simply come to restore their body and spirit in the beauty of nature.
- A Centre for the Performing Arts where there are facilities for television, film dance, music and theatre presentations which convey the spirit of ACIM to the planet in cutting edge ways.
- A Health and Wellness Retreat centre where there is yoga, massage, healthy nutrition, and expert alternative healing modalities available for those who are suffering health challenges or merely want to improve their health.
- A Co-housing facility where core members own their own separate homes, and would include a dormitory for guests. There could also be a lodge or greathouse for community functions with a large kitchen, living room, and dining room; a separate workshop facility, a theatre, art studios, and cottages for rent.
- A Writer’s Retreat with cottages available for long term residence. Cottages could be available for long term retreats for those seeking solitude within community or who wish to pursue a research project.
- A Chapel where, in addition to services, weddings could be held. We have three Reverends as part of the community. We want a beautiful facility overlooking the ocean, which would provide an ideal setting for weddings.
ACIMCommunity.com is a subsidiary of On Purpose | (360) 527-2796
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