We are communicators and sharers of the joy and optimism of Jesus.
Our message is non-denominational, open, compassionate as was the teaching
of Jesus.
The Miracles Foundation is an educational, organizational and healing
cornerstone of the "On Purpose" Community based on the practical application
of the Principles of A Course in Miracles.
We link with the network of awareness in the global community engaged in the
evolutionary expansion of consciousness as we experience world healing. We
can make a world of difference.
The Foundation:
Secure a Lodge or facility such as the Lummi Island Loganita property
as a center in which to base The Miracles Foundation.
The facility will be a magnet to draw the local, national and international
spiritually minded to partake of the atmosphere and surroundings offered,
enjoy communal prayerful living for a few days or weeks at a time as they
avail themselves of the teaching provided bu the "On Purpose" practice.
This facility will be self -supporting by the income generated from the main
tenant, the "On Purpose" organization under the auspices of The Miracles
Foundation, the profit generated from the accommodation and partial catering
provided to time-sharing participants.
Acquisition and successful operation of such a facility will be a
demonstration of the first ACIM Principle: "There is no order of difficulty
in miracles".
The Community:
Develop a real sense of community on an "extra-mural" basis by
consciously linking up with all other ACIM groups throughout the Northwest
exchanging information and news about what is transpiring within the groups
and develop a unified sense of purpose. Within this open-walled community
there may well be pockets of Teachers and students living in shared