This community is a living demonstration of ACIM in action. Anyone can come to the community and have support in any conflict in their business, home, relationships, or community and this community could teach the principles of releasing war and creating peace in the world.

We have a community program that people, families and others going through life challenges can visit from the outside and take part in the program and live the clearing process. We also have courses happening every weekend that people are teaching about all of the aspects of ACIM. I personally would like to teach two classes a month. We have Youth in Purpose once a month and follow up support team meetings once a week for the youth and their families. This center will become the home for Youth on Purpose and the model for it.

We have a large property where we build individual, beautiful, designed, organic residences. They use a lot of wood, natural materials, and glass. We have different sizes of residences and people can pick from 8 or 10 different designs--one motif, many options. We each buy our own house and own it. We build a peace school for young children ages 3 to junior high based on a Montessori or Waldorf model. This school will be open in the summer to people from all over the world to Experience and learn about Love in Action: A Model for Teaching Peace and Leadership to our Children and Youth.

We have one big course center with three training rooms and small healing rooms. We also have a large auditorium that can seat 500 for large programs. There will also be additional rooms, apartments, and dormitories for around 50 course participants to stay in. We also have businesses based in our community like a bread company and a doggie day care. I feel these two businesses would be very beneficial and lucrative. There is a waiting list at the doggie day care in Bellingham. We could also have a restaurant that's open in our bakery for soup and salad.

I can see the community beginning by buying the house next door to me (for rent right now, for sale soon) and the whole block behind me, which when we build the two buildings proposed for that lot would give us 5 ACIM homes in Bellingham. I could also see buying the Lummi Island property for a healing retreat center where people could come with physical conditions including stress and being burnt out. We would apply all the principles of ACIM to their healing.

-Sandy is a subsidiary of On Purpose | (360) 527-2796
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