Accepting the Atonement for myself is the acceptance of Oneness. I want to practice this particularly in connection with all my brothers who are working with A Course in Miracles. It is my opportunity to be willing to lay aside judgment, comparisons and differences.

Acceptance of my brother is acceptance of my Self. If I seem to see what feels wrong to my personal sense, I can use this as an opportunity to step aside and know it is not part of truth and therefore not part of my brother.

To join hands across the apparent distance between us, be it be on this vast Australian continent or across the oceans, is feeling the Love for our work and for each other as well as for people who still walk in the ways of the world and are looking for help and guidance.

One Holy Spirit is in all of us. As we help each other, we are helped. I am open to suggestions to how I can be truly helpful. My work is in spiritual healing - to replace doctors for the ones who are ready to learn that the only patient is mind and the only healer is the Mind of Love. Amen.

Submitted by Rev. Veronika Birken 9/16/05 is a subsidiary of On Purpose | (360) 527-2796
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